Why can’t my medic give Tylenol or cold medication?

Tylenol and cold medication are not medications approved to be administered by field medics. Sometimes the side affects of using these types of medications outweigh the benefits, and since it’s not within protocol for Canadian industrial paramedics to administer them, we do not carry them. The best treatment for a cold is plenty of rest and fluids.

Can an OFA3 work in Alberta?

An OFA3 (Occupational First Aid Attendants) are advanced first aiders and fall under the WorkSafeBC agency. The OFA3 attendant can practice in Alberta if the school they attended is listed on the WorksafeBC site as a provincially recognized training centre. Medic companies such as ours ensure we’re hiring only from approved agencies to ensure all our staff can work in both Alberta and BC.

Can an ETV be used to transport an injured worker?

Yes. The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code requires employers to provide first aid services, supplies and equipment, and to have arrangements in place to transport injured or ill workers from the work site to the nearest health care facility. Employers must also provide transportation capable of accommodating a stretcher where a licensed ambulance is not readily available, and, therefore, an MTC is sometimes used to fulfill this requirement. Alberta’s Emergency Health Services Act requires persons providing emergency health services to patients by ambulance to meet the required standards and be licensed under the Act.